Sunday, 13 September 2009


Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:56 PM
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Dear Toyin

Should one choose to fight from ones corner in regards to others perceptions of what is considered to be Pornography & the debasement of Women & what isn't, in Art, one will find ones self within an an all encompassing Conflict, which will Ostracise one from the Mainstream!

As one has probably gathered when investigating ancient Cultures, if perceived from a purely Western perspective, which I am afraid to say is heavily indoctrinated by a Judaeo-Christian ethos of Patriarchal perception, one will find raw sexuality being expressed in many forms, which was once considered by many a Westerner to be nothing more than being Pornographic & the product of the uncivilised Mind; however, when looking at such ancient art-forms it always includes the SACRED within its mythic expression. It was only up to the age of the Hippie Revolution that certain ancient art forms, which depicted the Feminine involved in gross sexual acts was considered otherwise than being Pornographic but that of a SACRED expression within the structure of its Mythological paradigm; this was only due to the informing Culture behind the Symbolism one to find in Tibetan Bon-Po Buddhist art, Hinduism & Tantra let alone that of other Cultural expressions, which now face extinction; not so much by Patriarchal Judaeo-Christianity, Islam or Judaism but by what one considers to be a New-Age perception of what is seen to be Politically-Correct.

There are Shadows, which need to be addressed & made otherwise Sacred of Realm in order to transform Lead into Gold; one cannot sweep such shadowy material under the Carpet otherwise it will fester! One cannot make everything all nice & sweet, to fit into a Politically Correct perception of Modern ideology that is very much the par of New-Age Spirituality, which in essence is really that of Dualistic Gnostic-Christianity seeking out a balance, but in reality it is Infertile let alone Impotent of the Barren & Castrated & always has been so of the Celibate whereby it is Not & never was of the New-Age.

The Modern is devoid of the SACRED context; one cannot run away into Elder Cultures to live within the Past in order to negate what is around one of Wound. One has to Heal the Present Wound, by looking at how other ancient Cultures dealt with their Underworld Shadows in order to Transform them, but by doing so one has to face up to a salient Fact; that one has been Brainwashed & that one is at War! One is not only Warring at the front of the Symbolic, which is fed via the Media whose underlying Religious & Political structure has an agenda of ensnaring the Collective perception into an ongoing Dualistic Paradigm, one also has its physical chains to deal with too, which goes hand in hand with the other, for if one finds the Media Controlling the Minds of Others, it too Controls their Bodies in kind!

New-Age Art forms have nullified the artistic expressions of other Cultures into a fluffy perception let alone that of what is left over of the European & that of a process, which is repeating its self, that one can observe in hindsight when looking back prior to WWII; Adolf Hitler had his Entertete Kunst, which negated Artistic Expression into a set formula while his followers ran around wearing togas hearkening in a New-Age of purity weaving Myths of a prior Golden-Age, which Never Existed & was only that of a Political machination by indoctrinated Christian's; they upheld the purity of the Feminine to make puritanical Wagnarian but by doing so they cauterised her into a Virgin of none other than Mother Mary all over again to dance around!

Hinduism & Tantra accepts both the Light & Dark aspects of the Feminine to weave together into a SCARED Formula, which can be found in other ancient Cultures; however, they have the Symbolic expression to do so while Western Civilisation does Not, for it has relegated Sexuality into a dark shadowy corner to term Pronographic without the SACRED in sight.

As far as I am concerned, if an Individual reacts adversesly in regards a Nun being fused with Shielagh Na-Gig to perceive as being offensive, it just indicates that they are an Indoctrinated Christian; such an Individual may argue that such a fusion shows offense towards Christian's, but it be their History, which I am at War with for their Belief structure is highly Hypocritical, which has the blood of Millions etched out within their numbered palms. Such an individual may even argue that I am debasing the Feminine yet the Sheilagh Na-Gig opens wide her legs of gateway into the Womb Earth while a Nun be no different welcoming a Fish Amphibious of Spirit entering the True Church!

As an aside on a purely Mythological front, one has UFO entities manifesting within the psyche of the Collective from Nordics, to Orientals & Greys in general, but does one ever hear of an African, or has such been fused with a Caucasian to become a Grey? where does this Mythology of the UFO emanate from in the main? The USA mainly, which to have certain perspectives that birthed the Hippie era of LSD UFO's after 1947; the New-Age impetus stems from the USA in the main of primary vein & with it that of seeking out its roots at loggerheads with Elder Cultures; such ancient Cultures found ways of dealing with their Shadow so as to transform Creatively, alas the West is a long way behind...

Pornography has No SACRED Dimension to it... It is Purely Sex for Sex sake, which in its self is Not Bad for Sex is Life; as long as it Harms None, if so, it becomes Something else...

Erotic Art is about the Eroticsm of Life, but some will perceive it as being but Pornography while others will see it as Art; whatever meaning is applied, it is done so by the subjective observations of the observer & such does not neccessarily inolve anything being SACRED, whether Dark, Light or both simultaneous. For example, a Naked Woman entwined by a Serpent may conjure Symbolic Associations with Eve within one observer, whom will perceive a SACRED dimension in the Art, whether Dark or Light, while another just sees it as being Pornography & that of making the Woman into a Sex object etc...

One then has the Accepted Norm of depiction such as an Oil Painting of a Naked Woman entwined by a Serpent, which many would accept as being Art; if however it is that of a Photomontage utilising Imagery to make a layered point, such might be perceived as being but Pornography; in other words, we are Educated to Perceive Symbolic Stimuli in certain ways, if the Artistic expression utilises a mode of expression, which the masses are not Educated in they will invariably React...

If one depicts a Dakini in Classic Tibetan Buddhist stlyle then it is accepted by those in the know, which has become far more widespread of recognisable Art-Form since the Hippie era of the 70's; if however, one depicts a Dakini as a Nun then one will end up generating a Reaction from those who are Religiously Indoctrinated as well from those who can't perceive the Connection...

Some may question why one as an Artist depicts Women as a constant in ones Art.... One will answer, why Not, to also cross-reference with other symbolic-stimuli to make SACRED...

The whole point of Art is to Break Through Barriers of Perception, offering different Perspectives; but by doing so one often encounters those who will Not understand, Do Not want to Understand, Desire to Censor ones Works let alone Ostracise one, not because one is neccessarily flawed in ones work but because they have Not been Educated to See One yet, & perhaps Never Will until another Time to come when their Eyes open...

The depiction of the Hindu/Tantric Dakini let alone Kali was once perceived as being Poronogaphic, vile & extremely primitive by many a Victorian who also tore apart the Celtic Myths to turn into flowery shells to thence create the so called Romantic era of Artistic representation, which was all but sugar plum coating hiding the horrors of their own time behind...

One cannot bury Shadows for they do come back with a vengence, but one can Transform them inot something other SACRED...

Take Care

Mark Dunn

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